Remote work allows software company employees enough flexibility to do their job from a place or location of their choice. This benefit, however, can easily turn into a missed opportunity if “you are” not properly prepared for it. How can you, “in a leadership role”, ensure that your virtual staff is productive when you can't walk over to their desk to check on them?
To increase productivity, leaders should take advantage of remote work by providing more flexibility and shift performance assessment to a results-driven approach. On the other hand, you'll be met with new challenges. Software Employees may struggle more with work-life balance and engagement if they do not share a physical office.
Amidst the uncertainty of the pandemic, here's how you can ensure that your organization's productivity improves as a result of your workforce’s transition to remote work:
Be flexible:
Location isn't the only factor influencing flexibility. Allowing colleagues to reschedule a meeting, running an errand during work hours, or welcoming a baby to sit during a video call also counts if you want to ensure that your team remains as productive as possible. Make it clear what you're looking for. For instance, you could mandate that your employees meet client deadlines or complete ten tasks from a to-do list each week. Allow more flexibility in the deadlines for other tasks. Your team may only accomplish the bare minimum for some weeks. They'll get more done in other weeks.
“According to the Gartner 2021 Digital Worker Experience Survey, 43% of respondents said that flexibility in working hours helped them achieve greater productivity.”
In other words, new hires need extra support when working remotely. Engage and interact with your team.
Consistent work schedule:
Maintaining a general work-life balance is essential when working from home. An employee's personal life is as important as their professional life. Schedules must be made in such a way that you can easily follow them. Your team might have days where they need to finish a pile of work, in which case you can either resort to communicating with them and extending the work time for that particular day, as one day can be considered.
Employee well-being:
Allowing your employees to know that you do not expect them to respond immediately to emails and texts can encourage them to take more breaks. To demonstrate that you take frequent breaks, leave a message in a conversation thread about getting up to get another cup of coffee. Taking breaks is good for employees' long-term productivity, but strategically using those breaks can boost it. It may seem counterintuitive to encourage employees to take more breaks to increase productivity, but taking breaks can help employees clear their minds, recharge their energy, and spark new ideas, eventually ensuring every employee’s well-being.
“As per Mental Health Foundation addressing wellbeing at work increases productivity by as much as 12%.”
Every team is unique, and what works for one company to increase productivity may not work for another. You'll find out more about what works for your team the more you experiment.
(Author: Abdul Rafeeq is a Social Media Coordinator bursting with creative ideas at TechDoQuest)