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Strategies for Companies to Bridge Digital Skills Gap


Updated: Oct 19, 2022

In the midst of my kids' birthday preparations, I saw my younger sister struggle for a week on an office presentation. I asked her the reason for her struggle, to which she said that the transition from accounting executive to a HR was easy at theoretical level but she faced challenges at a professional level. It was sad to see a smart lady from GenerationZ (the most tech-savvy generation) face such digital skill challenges. I educated her about presentation apps like Google Slides, Prezi, Canva etc. She learnt the usage of Canva and became a pro at presentations before she left for our hometown. She was happy and all set to show off her presentation skills as soon as her office got back to the work from the office mode.

Technological advancements have created a need for upgrading our skill set each year and the gap continues to increase with each decade. As per the world economic forum report for the year 2018, around 50% of the workforce will face issues at jobs due to lack of skill. The entry of Covid pulled in this urgent need for upskilling. With the WFH and Hybrid work modules, there is an urgent need to upskill different communication and work software's for survival purposes. The quick shift in the work process has widened the skill gap.

Here are some strategies that Software Development Companies can add to bridge the skill gap are:

1. Analyzing Data:

Learn Software Employee potential, knowledge and skills through regular assessments. Maintain data and track the employee performance and requirements which can be used for deciding the what, when and how of employee training.

2. Customization:

The accessibility and usage of different applications and processes will differ as per the roles, responsibilities and learning capabilities of the employees. The training process needs to be customized accordingly.

3. Dynamic Learning:

Dynamic learning helps in grasping information and makes the process and learners flexible and comfortable to reskill or upskill as per the different organizational shifts or technological advancements.

4. Technological Advancements:

Upskilled Software Employees without materialistic and environmental support are as unworthy as the armless soldiers at a war front. Provide the required setups to help them utilize their skill for increased productivity.

5. Leadership & Development (L&D) Team:

Create a team of experts that trains, tracks and ensures a synchronization among the technological advancements, required skills, training, execution, setups and dynamic as per the market updates.

Bridging the skill gap would help the employees grow professionally and increase their productivity which would in turn reap high profits and good business for the Software Company.

(Author: Alisha Fernandes is an inquisitive learner & content writer at TechDoQuest)

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