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How Recession worsens gender wage inequality


The expected outcome of a Recession is a direct impact on employment of people. Among those impacted in a Recession, the effect is much larger on women than men. According to a recent study, in 2020, male unemployment increased to 9.9% and female unemployment increased to 12.8%..

One of the primary reasons for Gender Wage inequality is because women earn comparatively less than men. Despite their educational or academic accomplishments (which could be greater than men), women earn much less than their male counterparts of the same race or ethnicity.

It is found that the Software Development Companies with large female workforce are more vulnerable to lockdown procedures. Globally, women are losing jobs 1.8 times more than men as a result of the global pandemic. Additionally, male-dominated industries like manufacturing and construction have shown to be more pandemic-proof. The recession is particularly problematic for women’s employment for two reasons relating to the dangers of close contact – the restrictions on service jobs and the closure of schools and daycare centers.

While it is worth mentioning that women are joining the workforce more now than ever, the number of women who are out of jobs also remains higher than that of men.

Work from Home or More Burden at Home?

Meanwhile, women with kids or families are affected by employment cut-backs, caregiving status, and the absence of support. Unfortunately, those who belonged to the lower education background couldn’t really “work from home,” which also worsened their situation. .

However, women with high status are not immune to stress and burnout. Because of the burnout brought on by having to be "always on" and juggle numerous duties during the epidemic, senior-level women are substantially

more inclined than their male counterparts to consider lowering their work schedules or quitting their jobs.

Seniority levels and parenting status are influencing how women are perceived in the workplace. Women who are pregnant or those on maternity leave claim they are being pushed into redundancy.

Flexibility a myth?

Additionally, it is observed that flexible work typically pays less, is more risky, and is less of a stepping stone to top-level positions, despite the fact that inflexibility is a major factor in why female employees are considering cutting back on their hours or leaving their professions.

This negative side of flexibility is when IT employees are underemployed, underpaid, and dependent on their employers to allocate hours, frequently on erratic timetables. Such uncertainty is particularly hard on the working women who now have to act as home-school teachers or home careers.

Flexible employment must be better regulated and sustainable for all levels of employees, including high-paying roles, in order to contribute more to closing the gender pay gap.

Domestic chores still a women's duty?

According to the most recent data, employed women spend roughly 2.3 hours per day on housekeeping, and employed men 1.6 hours per day. As a result, men must shoulder a larger proportion of the domestic and caring duties and increase their propensity to reduce or modify their own work schedules in response to changes in family circumstances.

Men must be included in the cleaning process. Helping women is a skill men can learn. This is the key to reducing gender inequality in housekeeping.

Is there a gender gap in leadership?

Software Companies around the world claim they are committed to pushing women into leadership roles, and they recognise the importance of talent acquisition, engagement, and retention for any firm. But many businesses just don't pay enough attention to their female talent. For instance, 81% of respondents in a recent Mercer poll of over 1,000 organisations across 54 countries felt it was crucial to have a plan for achieving gender equality, but just 42% actually did.

Women are still significantly under-represented in positions of power. Only 8% of Fortune 500 corporations are run by women. As a result, only men are granted greater positions in companies, and as a result, employee salaries rise in proportion to their positions, with women receiving lower salaries than men.

These steps can reduce gender inequalities at various levels:

  • Pro-women's policies at workplace

  • Flexible working hours for pregnant women or mothers

  • On-site childcare facilities

  • Extra importance to women’s safety

  • Increased maternity leave for new & adoptive mothers

  • Rewarding talent women employees

  • Promoting women employees, based on merit, irrespective of gender bias

  • Retaining good performers

(Author: Praveena Battila is a chirpy & inquisitive digital marketing executive at TechDoQuest.)

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